SLOVAK: Sme Agentúra pre internacionalizáciu španielskeho regiónu Baskicko (sever Španielska). Naša kancelária pre SR a ČR funguje od roku 2002. Región Baskicko je jedným z najvýznamnejších priemyselných a technologických centier Európy. Tretím najväčším výrobcom obrábacích a tvárniacich strojov v Európe. V tomto regióne sa vyrába takmer 50 % autokomponentov španielskeho autopriemyslu. Radi Vám predstavíme dodávateľov z regiónu Baskicko, prípadne vyhľadáme partnerov na základe Vašich požiadaviek. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH: We are the Internationalization agency of the Basque region (North of Spain). We have had an office for 20 years in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The Basque Country is one of the most important industrial, engineering and technology centers of Europe. The 3rd largest producer of machine tools in the EU. Spain is the 2nd producer of vehicles in Europe and near 50% of Spain's Automotive component industry is produced in the Basque Country. Around 30 Basque companies have their manufacturing plants in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, others are located in neighboring countries. We would like to present providers from our Basque Country region (North Spain). We can tailor the search process and match you with providers according to your needs.
We are looking for cooperation with entities interested in the Basque Country. Aktuálne hľadáme / Currently we are looking for: • Dodávateľov recyklovaných plastov / Providers of recycled plastic material • Mladé technologické startupy / Young tech startups whose solutions can be applied to the Intelligent Industry, Clean Energy & Sustainability, Health or Food industries/ • Partnerov pre spoluprácu na európskych projektoch / Cooperation in European Projects • Slovenské podniky pre spoluprácu v priemysle / Slovak partners for cooperation in industry
Ms. Marianna Pališinová Project Manager